Temporary teaching assistant

26th July 2021


We are looking to employ someone for a month to help prepare teaching materials for a third year undergraduate module at ARU called Tropical Ecology & Management.  

Role title: Teaching assistant in Tropical Ecology and Management

Organisation: Anglia Ruskin University

Closing Date: 06/08/2021

Role Location: Cambridge, UK

Role Description

In previous years the bulk of the module has been a field course to Uganda, but this year we are going to be running this as a classroom based module. Your role will be to create new teaching materials  for the  module, adding to  the short lecture series that previously accompanied the field trip.

The attached document outlines the module content when it was last run in Autumn 2019 when it included a field trip to Kibale National Park, Uganda. We want to restructure this content and expand it into wider themes.

If you are interested in the role please contact Dr Alvin Helden as soon as possible via alvin.helden@aru.ac.uk.

Application Download: Download application form