Science in Faith Engagement Officer: University Church of St. Mary the Great with St Michael, Cambridge

26th July 2021

ECLAS Project _ church times


This is an opportunity to raise the profile of sustainability and the role of scientists and religious groups in education on the ECLAS Project.

Role title: Science in Faith Engagement Officer - Sustainability

Organisation: The ECLAS Project: Equipping Christian Leadership in the Age of Science

Closing Date: 16/08/2021

Role Location: The University Church of St Mary the Great with St Michael, Cambridge

Role Description

The Great St Mary’s, Cambridge project seeks to harness the wisdom, knowledge and skills of the scientists in our congregation, and those whom we can draw to the project, to develop an innovative science and faith based exploration for schools coalescing around two of the greatest problems that challenge both scientists and God’s creation, especially humanity: climate change and human actions that lead to the spread of (a) bacterial disease because of anti-microbial resistance and (b) new viral diseases; both of which seem particularly appropriate in the current circumstances and as we move towards the COP conference in Glasgow.

Our aim is to work extensively with schools both within and without our immediate area of benefit to nurture a sense of the nexus between faith and science, and humanity’s responsibility as stewards of God’s creation to mitigate our negative impact upon our planet.

We plan to appoint a Science in Faith Engagement Officer: Sustainability, who will assist in both the development and administration of the project and the engagement with schools; will develop materials and resources for dissemination to schools, and work with teachers and others to grow the project and to ensure that it has impact.


Responsibilities and Duties
Administer:  Day to day management of the project in all aspects
Engage: People, scientists, congregations, religious leaders, faith groups, schools, children, parents, students
Develop: Programme, research, resources, complementary activities,
Coordinate: People; Activities and research work across the participating organisation; Identify partners
Collaborate: Forge links for the development of the programme with other organisations suppliers, schools, school networks
Disseminate: Resources, reports, materials
Review: Impact, efficacy, engagement, success, future prospects


Science graduate with a deep-seated understanding of the sustainability and environmental agenda for the 21st century.
A first-class brain seeking an opportunity for further flourishing.
Experience of working with children and young people and understanding of educational programmes.
Willingness to facilitate links between science and faith.

Skills and personal characteristics
IT brilliant
Effective communicator in all forms
Social media savvy
Developed leadership ability
Effective facilitator
A networker par excellence
Highly motivated, resilient, capable of working independently and effectively, inspirational, innovative, organised, and nice!
A future TED talker




Application Download: Download application form