Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Floodplain Meadows Partnership – Grassland ecology

9th October 2020


We are looking for a Research Associate to work within the Floodplain Meadows Partnership (FMP) team (  The post is fixed term, either 10-months’ full time, 20-months’ part time or a job-share could be considered.

Role title: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Floodplain Meadows Partnership – Grassland ecology

Organisation: Open University

Closing Date: 04/11/2020

Role Location: Milton Keynes

Role Description

We are looking for a Research Associate to work within the Floodplain Meadows Partnership (FMP) team (  The post is fixed term, either 10-months’ full time, 20-months’ part time or a job-share could be considered.


The Partnership is a long-term grassland project investigating the ecohydrology, management, restoration and natural capital of floodplain meadows.  It brings together researchers from the Open University Ecosystems Group, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), and several practitioner organisations.

The role will promote the management, conservation and restoration of floodplain meadows through sharing our findings with an academic and practitioner audience. Outputs will be used in policy responses to Government in areas relating to floodplain management, agri-environment schemes and climate mitigation.

The successful candidate will be based in the Floodplain Meadows Partnership group in the Open University’s School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, and be supervised by Professor David Gowing.

Full details here