Natural Cambridgeshire Partnership forum meeting & AGM

14th December 2021 10:00am

Event Details

Start Date: 14th December 2021 10:00am

Venue: Online

Event Description

The quarterly forum, with AGM. Register via Eventbrite- see link below – and joining details will be sent before meeting.


COP26 and the path to net zero, Sion McGeever (DEFRA)

Report of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Climate Commission, John Shropshire (Commissioner)

Land use in Cambridgeshire, Dame Fiona Reynolds and Alice Midmer (Food, Farming & Countryside Commission)

The work of our partners in Cambridgeshire: the National Trust, Sarah Smith

AGM of Natural Cambridgeshire

Discussion of a document describing the work of some of our partners, and a report from the Board covering our first year as a charity