CCI Conservation seminar: Conservation in a crowded country: how England can play its part in meeting the Nature emergency

26th January 2022 4:00pm

Event Details

Start Date: 26th January 2022 4:00pm

Venue: Online

Event Description

Tony Juniper, Chair of Natural England, is this week’s speaker.

For more than a century conservationists in England have been active in seeking an accommodation between the rising demands of society and those of Nature. Protected areas have been established, laws enacted and the public increasingly well informed as to the issues at stake. The overall picture is, however, still worsening, with once common animals and plants now joining those that have been rare for some time as species of conservation concern. There are a number of reasons as to why conservation has not yet achieved what is required, including the extent to which conflicting demands on land and sea are as yet not effectively managed and the extent to which the needs of Nature have not been mainstreamed across policies and embedded into the heart of economic agendas. Things are now changing, but what will be the key steps that reverse the historic trend of decline into one of recovery.

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