CCF Marine and CCI World Oceans Day 2020 seminar (archives.php)

CCF Marine and CCI World Oceans Day 2020 seminar

This year we held a virtual event with speakers Prof Dan Laffoley, Vice Chair IUCN/WCPA Marine; Emily Corcoran, consultant to the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI); Stephanie Prince, Global Marine Programme, Birdlife and RSPB/Birdlife Albatross Task Force and Tim Gordon, Exeter University You can view a recording of the event here: A copy of the…

Bright Spots in Conservation: Report on a joint BAS/ CCI symposium

CCF member British Antarctic Survey held a symposium jointly with CCI in December 2019. This formed part of a  series of short workshops focused on science-policy interactions within topical conservation and management issues. Each of the topics are issues faced in the Polar Regions but are also of global relevance and reach beyond traditional disciplinary…