Reopening news

12th June 2020

Several venues are now starting to reopen slowly. Here’s a run-down of some local outdoor spaces you may have been missing! Many have booking and parking restrictions so please check individual websites carefully.

Cambridge University Botanic Garden reopened to Friends on 9th June and will open to the general public on 16th June. You must book tickets in advance. The cafe will open for takeaway only, and the glass houses remain closed. There are separate entrance/ exit points at both Hills Road and Trumpington Road sides of the garden.

National Trust Wicken Fen, Anglesey Abbey and Wimpole Hall all have limited opening. At Wicken, the car park is now open for pre-booked spaces, but the board walk, cafe and visitor centre remain closed- you can walk on the wider reserve however and the toilets are open. The car park, gardens and toilets are also now open at Anglesey Abbey – again pre-booking essential. Similar arrangements are in place at Wimpole, with the parkland open for walkers and pre-booked car parking only.

RSPB reserves currently open in the east include Fen Drayton, Fowlmere, Lakenheath, Minsmere, Ouse Fen and Snettisham. Titchwell remains closed at present. Check the list via the link for updates.

Welney Wetland Centre are also open for pre-booked visits only.

Hopefully this will enable more of us to add a bit more variety to our outdoor time!