University of Cambridge Biodiversity Action Plan

3rd November 2020

The University of Cambridge’s first Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) has now been published. It sets out a 10-year vision for the future of biodiversity across the University, to “deliver a significant and measurable improvement in the biodiversity of the University of Cambridge estate, and the Greater Cambridge Area more generally, in a manner that educates and inspires an appreciation of the natural environment, and that encourages interventions, research and innovation to enhance and protect biodiversity for future generations.” The BAP provides clearly defined actions that allow us to focus our efforts and start working towards this vision.

The University of Cambridge Biodiversity Action Plan sets out an agenda for conserving and restoring biodiversity on the University of Cambridge estate. The authors have compiled a huge amount of data and conservation expertise to create this strategy. This is a very exciting opportunity to rebuild nature and foster vital relations between people and nature. I look forward to being part of the implementation team” – said Dr Mike Maunder, Executive Director of CCI.

You can read the University’s full article can be found here.