12:59:33 From J. Herbert-Read : Thank you Sue and Julia for organising! 13:00:23 From CCI ECO to Julia Grosse(Privately) : Are you wanting people to say where they are joining from? 13:03:56 From Julia Grosse to CCI ECO(Privately) : It would be nice but I think there are now so many it might not be feasible! 13:04:09 From Hazel Thornton to Julia Grosse(Privately) : Hi Julia - let me know if there is anything I can help with 87 people is fantastic! 13:04:39 From Julia Grosse : Hi all- we will be taking a few questions if there is time , via chat, so please enter your question here, with Q at the front of the message. Thanks! 13:08:31 From Julia Grosse : That's working Dan- thanks 13:14:08 From Julia Grosse : HI all- please turn off your video and microphone if you've joined late- we have a LOT of people on the call! Thanks 13:15:09 From Sue Wells to Julia Grosse(Privately) : I'll make another request about this when we hand over to Emily 13:15:40 From Chris : Q - the % coverage of the Ocean is clearly important, but It only represents one aspect of what is needed. How do we decide how much emphasis should be placed on expanding coverage vs improving the effectiveness, equity, financing etc of existing MPAs? I worry we are moving towards targets driven purely by area based indicators rather than conservation / societal outcomes 13:16:59 From Julia Grosse to Sue Wells(Privately) : thanks. there are nearly 120 of us now! 13:22:09 From Mark : To the question, how much of the ocean(s) should we protect? I am very pleased to hear for the drive for protection and enhanced sustainability across ALL of our oceans. Thinking at the European or UK scale, does the panel think that striving for Good Environmental Status (GES) would provide an appropriate umbrella framework under which we progress our MPAs, including HPMAs 13:22:15 From Henry Duffy : Question-the video states that MPAs provide livelihoods for millions of coastal communities. However, large highly protected MPAs, if enforced, will need to restrict fisheries livelihoods. How does the 30 by 30 agenda reconcile with seascapes with large adjacent human populations and high fishing dependency? For example it is easier to designate a large highly protected MPA in Palau than the Gulf of Thailand. 13:22:45 From Julia Grosse : Hi all, I will save the caht and pass on questions if there isn't time for them all 13:24:35 From PHoward : And even harder if all the fishing rights are taken up by Chinese and the rules are broken 13:25:56 From Henry Duffy : Second question-going forward, should MPAs percentage targets include effectiveness measures? If not, these targets could encourage more tokenistic designations by government, without any consideration on how the new MPAs will be managed once designated. 13:26:34 From Ruth Fletcher : It is great to highlight the incredible value of the ocean and consider its protection. However, many of the key pressures on the marine environment come from land, such as land based sources of pollution. Do you think the focus on % protection figures miss out this consideration of connectivity? 13:30:27 From Ruadhan Currie : I hope we can start moving to incorporate historical indigenous conservation knowledge & local scale fisheries into our MPA frameworks and condemn industrial fishery fleets and land based industries that are the real source of pollution. Q - Are there major efforts being made to provide an intersectional and inter-disciplinary approach to ocean conservation and MPA legislation? It seems fruitless to designate more MPAs if they are being polluted from excess fertilizer runoff from intensive agriculture or mineral extraction 13:30:51 From Julie D. (UNEP-WCMC) : Q - If we do manage to achieve the 30by30 target, which would be a fantastic feat, how would we ensure enforcement to ensure these mpa's are managed in an ever changing political climate? For example, the USA has allowed fishing within a pre-existing MPA this week. How best could we work to ensure the MPAs are effective beyond designating them to a specific area? 13:48:39 From Paul Gilliland : Really interesting and encouraging to see the emphasis on the ‘wider environment’, ie even if you only care about MPAs what about the other 70%, what about influence from land-based impacts. These are not ‘either or choices’, we need to pay attention to all three although that can present challenges when prioritising action and resources. A couple of observations/response particularly on “intersectional and inter-disciplinary approach?” 1) There are various mechanisms from ICZM to the Montreal Convention. Another is Marine Spatial Planning (but I would say that given I work on it). 2) Experience with N2k sites (under the EU Habitats Directive) suggested that management requirements may have added weight to addressing land-based sources of pollution even from beyond the MPA. 13:58:33 From Julia Grosse : Sounds like a rainforest! Amazing 13:59:15 From ACameron : It's a damselfish using its lawnmower :) 14:08:32 From Paul Gilliland : Q to Tim (and Emily). What is your view of the CCell programme and claims - using electrified modular steel structures to supposedly encoucage coral reef regrowth? 14:10:02 From CCI ECO : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sign_of_the_Seahorse 14:10:48 From Gurveena Ghataure : Fascianting!! 14:11:19 From Annkathrin Sharp : Really great talks! Those ocean soundscapes were very welcome during lockdown! 14:12:13 From Julie Dimitrijevic : Thank you for all the talks! 14:12:26 From Ruth Fletcher : It is great to explore different senses to engage people. Really lovely to see the ocean sounds getting some visibility. 14:12:26 From Kiran Sehra (UNEP-WCMC) : Thank you for the interesting talks and presentations! 14:12:32 From Henry Duffy : Question for Tim: at what scale are the restoration frames deployed? is there an approx. cost per hectare or similar, to inform deploying this solution? And for Emily: how do you see coral reef restoration fitting in to the solutions, when climate change may mean that even restored corals may bleach in the coming years? 14:12:43 From Stephen Thompson Eastern IFCA : Thank you, and especial thanks to the presenters. 14:12:59 From Jen M : Thank you, fascinating talks 14:13:29 From CiaraS : Thank you for these talks, they were fantastic! 14:14:31 From rebeccaingham : Fascinating talks, many thanks to everyone :) 14:14:50 From Tim Gordon : we wrote this short opinion piece in Science recently, on the role of restoration in marine systems - https://science.sciencemag.org/content/367/6478/635.2 14:16:22 From Henry Duffy : Thanks both for the answers, and to everyone for the talks and organisation 14:16:47 From Julia Grosse : I will try to put the chat into a PDF and put it on CCI HIve and the CCF website under 'resources' 14:16:48 From Sophie Benbow : Lovely session- thanks to all the speakers :-) 14:17:13 From Aadil Siddiqi : Hi Sue, just took a bit of time out of my exam to say hi and thanks to you and everyone else for putting the event on today! It’s been great to hear the talks - Aadil 14:17:22 From Nick Bedov : Thank you for the talks! We have made a message for World Oceans Day from the Cambridge University Marine Conservation Society as well: https://www.facebook.com/354149181734112/posts/900468380435520/ 14:17:46 From ACameron : Great talks - thanks all!